27 maj - 2 junVecka 22


Boka ANSIKTE Lift Skin tightening /Ansiktsföryngring - Salong Styling by Brazil, Stockholm - Bokadirekt

ANSIKSLYFT-Skin tightening Facial rejuvenation Wrinkle reduction Hydration Facial lifting Fine lines tightening Ansiktsföryngring INDIBA hjälper till att regenerera kollagen- och elastinfibrer, fyller huden, minskar rynkor och förbättrar tecken på åldrande Our technology works in-depth and all the cells benefit from the activation of fibroblasts, collagen, and elastin. As a result, the skin is tightened and left feeling very soft. Skin tightening Facial rejuvenation Wrinkle reduction Hydration Facial lifting Fine lines tightening Om du har rynkor , fina linjer eller försämrad elasticitet kan Refit hjälpa dig .Refit passar äver dig som har envisa små fettdep . Ej vi kan inte behandla om du har metallimplantat. Technology INDIBA® Deep Care uses monopolar radiofrequency at a specific frequency of 448 kHz. Research shows that the stable frequency of 448 kHz allows you to achieve three different treatment effects along with their associated results

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