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Boka Samtal - Restorative Therapy by Ulrika Rosander , Lidingö - Bokadirekt

We converse entirely based on your needs. I am well-versed in The Seven Signs of Origin and can provide further insight into many questions regarding this. I also have some knowledge and a keen interest in Gene Keys, a system used as a foundation for energy work and contemplation. Gene Keys is a personal development model created by Richard Rudd. The system is based on a combination of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and modern science. The Gene Keys system explores the various patterns and potentials within each individual through a set of "keys" or symbolic codes representing different aspects of human consciousness and behavior. "May your heart burst open in unconditional Love May your mind be illuminated by infinite Peace May you body be flooded by the light of your Essence May all whom you touch in this life through your thoughts, your words and your deeds Be transformed by the radiance of your presence " Richard Rudd

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