13 - 19 janVecka 3


Boka Distance Coaching, Intuitive Shamanic Healing & Divine Guidance 60min - Den Helande Människan, Simrishamn - Bokadirekt

I will call you at the agreed time and send healing to you remotely during the call. With the help of my intuition, I receive guidance from the spirit world. How I can best help you heal and find home within yourself. I begin by drawing out energy that has settled as blockages in your chakras, in the body, the internal organs and your energy field, your aura. I tell you what I get during the healing, what happens and what I do in collaboration with the angels. You can tell us what you feel during the healing, what is weighing you down and what you want help with. In a coaching conversation, I use the conversation tool access consciousness. I work with Archangels Michael and Raphael, as well as ascended masters like Jesus Christ, to help you release the blockages that are holding you back and you are willing to let go so you can live in your full power. The healing stimulates the body's self-healing, harmony, balance, relaxation, is filled with light, divine love and healing power, for your highest good. We finish with me drawing angel cards for you and channeling messages to you from your guardian angel and other spirit guides who want to convey something to you. The key to all recovery begins with WANTING TO GET WELL and BEING WILLING TO GET WELL WITH ALL THAT INCLUDES. When you are willing to let go of various fears, the energy within you changes, in your body and aura, you will experience a greater flow in your life. The healing initiates a profound healing process. You feel warmth in the body, coldness, tingling, shaking, crying, laughing, feeling tired, feeling sad or happy, peacefulness, love, heaviness in the body, lightness. Drink a glass of water before the healing to facilitate the healing process and create balance. Feel free to give yourself time to relax for a while before the healing and also some quiet time after the healing. If you wish to extend the call, it costs 222.- for 15 minutes, 555.- for 30 minutes, 777.- for 45 minutes, 888.- for 60 minutes.
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