6 - 12 majVecka 19


Boka Pre-paid Holistic Coaching Session The Healing Human - Den Helande Människan, Skillinge - Bokadirekt

Pre-paid Holistic Coaching Session The Healing Human, for registered participants for 21 days Online program "Manifest Your Dreamlife". Each participant have 3 prepaid sessions you can book. You can always change the content in every session depending on your need and wishes. Here are 3 examples for different theme in every session. 1. Holistic Coaching Session The healing Human 2. Divine Guidance with Angel cards and Holistic Coaching Session The Healing Human. 3. Intuitive Shamanic Healing & Meditation, Session The Healing Human. The session will be at place in Skillinge, Österlen, Sweden. Are you not registered on the online program and want to know more you will find information on my website: www.denhelandemanniskan.se

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