10 - 16 febVecka 7


Boka Rakkasjokk- full body massage 50 min - Aurora Spa Camp Ripan , Kiruna - Bokadirekt

SWE Avslappnande aromamassage som är mjuk, värmande och välgörande. Under denna behandling masseras du med härligt doftande ekologisk eterisk olja och om du önskar, används även varma och av naturen mjukt slipade stenar från just Silverfallet. Rakkasjokk betyder kärleksbäcken på samiska. Rakkasjokk är namnet på bäcken som på svenska kallas Silverfallet. Bäcken passeras vid Björkliden. ENG A soothing and warming massage that alleviates stress and tension. We use natural aroma oils and warm stones from our beautiful surroundings. Rakkasjokk means “stream of love”. INFO To get the most out of your spa treatment we want to get you some info before you visit us. We use fabric masks and disinfect the massage bench after each customer. You pay by credit card or Swish when you arrive at Aurora Spa. Shower and clean your skin before your treatment. Be in time so you are calm and relaxed. We will meet you in our entrance. You have underwear or bathing suit on. If you are combining your treatment with spa, we recommend you to go to the spa before the treatment. No alcohol before the treatment. We don´t do treatments on children under 8 years and not if you are pregnant before 12 week.
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