13 - 19 janVecka 3


Boka Distance Valentine Cosmic Rose Heart Love Healing, Group session 14/2 kl 20-20:44 - Den Helande Människan, Simrishamn - Bokadirekt

Distance Valentine Cosmic Rose Heart Love Healing 8pm/ 20:00 - 20:44 a clock swedish time. 2pm EST. We will focus on heart healing and calling in more love in your life. If you are single I will help to raise your vibration to energetically align to calling in your true love, Soulmate, Soulflame or Twinflame. Or bring in more love in your current relationship. Healing of past hurts, releasing of fears from past relationships, or fears of beeing in a new relationship. Release fears that blocks you in your current situationship/relationship. Release fears of giving and recieaving love freely. Release fears of losing someone dear to you, fear of rejection or beeing left. Deepen your ability to set clear boundaries for yourself and others from a state of love instead of fear and control. To stand up for yourself, speak your truth with love and clarity and know your worth. Deepen your selflove and selfcare. Follow your hearts passion and calling. Strengthen your divine feminine side within you, no mather if you are female or male. You have both feminine and masculine energy within you. Your divine feminine side as loving, caring for her self and others in a healthy way, nurturing, creative, compassionate, sensual, freely sexual awakened life energy. Awaken your inner high priestess, your inner Goddess. Or if you are a man, your inner feminine side as a God that nurture and love himself and others freely. In the healing I will call in Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene and the high vibrating cosmic rose healing energy. And the healing Golden Light from Jesus Christ. I will call in the high healing vibrations from the unicorns, dolphins, wales and sea turtels. I actually saw some dolphins and sea turtel in the ocean when I was in Teneriffe. I will send a guided healing meditation I have recorded, to you on your email, that you can listen to under the healing. I recomend you to drink a glas water before the healing to help balance the energy in your body. After the healing, I will write down a channeled message to the group about the healing session and share it on my facebook page "Den Helande Människan-Healing Temple The Healing Human", and to you on your email.
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