3 - 9 febVecka 6


Boka IN PERSON Sort your sh*t out (with coaching) - 90min - Healing by Julia Wolf, Bromma - Bokadirekt

Enough of being stuck? Of making yourself small? Of being confused? Welcome to a kick-ass coaching session! Are you ready to be vulnerable, brave and bold? The clarity lies behind the discomfort 🔥 — Nitty-Gritty Details — You will be facing yourself, while I ask uncomfortable questions with a smile and poke you with my metaphorical coaching stick. — Practical Info — • Languages spoken: French, English, Swedish. • Friskvårdsbidrag, Actiway, friskvårdscheker, ePassi are welcome. • 25% off if you are a student, have low income, are unemployed, retired or on long term sick leave (write it in the comments when you book) • You'll find me at Sjöhuset, Johan Tillanders väg 15. -> T- bana Blackeberg + a 13min walk (2000 steps of your daily recommended 10 000 steps! 👣) -> or T-bana Islandstorget + bus 113 to Blackebergs Gård brings you right outside ✨ — Social Media — # Facebook http://www.facebook.com/the.julia.wolf # Instagram @the_julia_wolf
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