10 - 16 febVecka 7


Boka ONLINE Ignite your fire (with Connected Healing) - 90min - Healing by Julia Wolf, Bromma - Bokadirekt

Tired of being a zombie? Of not being your authentic self? Of making yourself small? ⭕ Embark on a journey to the centre of yourself! 💧 Step into your essence. 🔥 Ignite your fire. It is time for you to experience life to its fullest ✨ — Nitty-Gritty Details — The session is led intuitively, using a unique blend of clairvoyance and tools borrowed from coaching, energy work, somatic experiencing, hypnosis and NLP. — Practical Info — • Languages spoken: French, English, Swedish. • This session will be online. I also give sessions in person in Stockholm & Vallentuna (Norrorts Behandlingar on Bokadirekt). • I will send you a Zoom link right before the session. • Friskvårdsbidrag, Actiway, friskvårdscheker, ePassi are welcome. • 25% off if you are a student, have low income, are unemployed, retired or on long term sick leave (write it in the comments when you book) — Social Media — # Facebook http://www.facebook.com/i.am.julia.wolf # Instagram @i_am_julia_wolf
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