29 apr - 5 majVecka 18


Boka Liso lambido , proteen behandling offer(från 1899till 2899kr) thojk hår499 xtra(nov deal - The Angel's Touch by Rashida, Göteborg - Bokadirekt

erbjudande från 1999till 2899 (thick hår,499 xtra). Depends on your hair length and thicknes important. wash your hair before you come only with shampoo do not use balsm( conditioner). you can wash your hair one day earlier. important. if you want to color your hair do it after the keratin or nanoplastia. if you plan to bleach your hair do it before the treatment.. or msg us before booking Not valid for afro hår Not valid for klarna payment Xtra langt hår (price can ve vary a little ) offer price does not valid for bokadirekt discount. customer can call or contact me via Instagram or facebook for more details Note: all complains only can be taken within a week After that we are not responsible.

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