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C.E Holistic

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Hej och välkommen till C.E Holistic! Jag Cecilia är diplomerad skuggeffekts coach och livscoach. Jag är medium, författare, föreläsare och utbildad beteendevetare. Jag jobbar även utifrån Emotionell intelligens (EQ), intuition och våra fyra element. Jag är skolad i det psykologiska och jobbat med psykisk ohälsa och erbjuder tjänster inom ren rådgivning utifrån att uppnå psykisk hälsa och eliminera psykisk ohälsa. Jag föddes medial och jobbar som tarotläggare, medial coach och rådgivare. Min kreativa bana har mixat min psykologiska kunnande och min andlighet till att bli duktig författare, föreläsare, podcastare och konstnär. Min hemsida https://www.ce-artistic.com/coaching/

Boka tjänst


  • Förbättra din existentiella balans
    50 minuter, 4 900 krMer info

Medial Vägledning Online

  • Medial vägledning - 30min
    30 minuter, 450 krMer info
  • Medial vägledning - 60min
    60 minuter, 900 krMer info
  • Tarotläggning & vägledning - 15min
    15 minuter, 250 krMer info
  • Tarotläggning & vägledning - 30min
    30 minuter, 450 krMer info
  • Tarotläggning & vägledning - 60min
    60 minuter, 900 krMer info
  • Tarot reading 30min
    15 minuter, 450 krMer info
  • Tarot reading - 30min
    30 minuter, 450 krMer info


  • Samtalsrådgivning - 50min
    50 minuter, 900 krMer info
  • Vägledning med fokus självkänsla, din emotionella intelligens
    50 minuter, 900 krMer info

Online Föreläsning

  • Online föreläsning
    90 minuter, 4 000 krMer info
  • Online lecture
    90 minuter, 4 000 krMer info


  • Medial guidance/ coaching 30min
    30 minuter, Från 450 krMer info
  • Counseling Online/Phone - 50min
    50 minuter, Från 900 krMer info



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Om företaget

Hello and welcome to C.E Holistic! I, Cecilia, offer my services online. I am a certified shadow effect coach, author, lecturer and trained behavioral scientist. I am trained in psychology and have worked with mental illness and offer services in pure counseling based on achieving mental health and eliminating mental illness. I was born medium and work as a tarot reader, medium coach and advisor. My creative path has mixed my psychological knowledge and my spirituality to become a talented writer, lecturer, podcaster and artist. ................................................... ...................... I have lectured about my history as a dandelion child, energy thieves and about mental health, our existential balance based on my book "The true light in life" I can coach you to find your well-being, feel good in relationships and yourself. I work a lot with emotional intelligence and self-esteem, clarifying your life situation, mental health/illness, relationships and finding your own well-being. Reflection questions exercises to get your EQ and self-esteem close and strengthen to find your unique path to feeling good on all levels of life. As well as tarot cards and guidance to see your future and work on dissolving your blockages and obstacles. I can also work with your shadow and you go through exercises to work with it to then find your true potential of the essence of your soul's purpose in this life. ................................................... ........................ My book "The true light in life - On existential balance and well-being" is available on the book online store as a physical book, as an audiobook on audiobook apps. Recensioner lectures, book available on the website and my podcast available on the website below. I am the presenter but the episode where I am a guest is episode 2. https://www.spirituellasamtal.com/ The price swedish kronor is Swedish kronor is divided by approximately 11 to calculate the price in Euros


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