13 - 19 majVecka 20


Boka Stress Coaching - Beena Mazetti - Highersense AB, Lund - Bokadirekt

Stresscoaching handlar helt enkelt om att minska stressen i din vardag. Utgångspunkten är att du själv besitter kunskap om din egen situation, men att du blir coachad och utmanad i att hitta rätt strategier för att må bra. Coachingen bygger på samtal men även mindfulnessävningar kan vara en viktig del i processen. Stress coaching is simply about reducing stress in your everyday life. In the sessions we work completely tailored to the individual, based on your needs and desires. The starting point is that you yourself possess knowledge about your own situation, but you are coached and challenged to find the right tools to create a sustainable everyday life. The coaching is based on conversation and dialogue, but mindfulness and relaxation can also be important parts of the process.

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