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  2. Vad Stockholm

Osteopat Rikard Skogberg

Ljusslingan 34B, 120 64, Stockholm
Osteopath DO, Cranio-Sacral, Massage Therapist, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, MSW Rikard Graduated his Osteopath education 2019 at Stockholm College of Osteopathic Medicine. After Graduation he continues to educate himself currently with his Mentor Katinka Kundler a Specialists in cranio-sacral Osteopathy. A primary interest is to work with trauma and the nervous system. In his approach is to look for the health in the body and work from that place to create Balance(homeostasis). His skills are bio- mechanics, muscelo-skeletal, fascial, cranio-sacral, visceral techniques. Basically you can come for treatment regarding Postural problems or with rehabilitation from Injuries or imbalances from long term stress. There can also just be a longing to improve your overall health and an exploration to feel more embodied and balanced. He also works as a massage-therapist, private yoga instructor with focus on optimal movement patterns for your anatomi and body structure from more than 25 years of experience as a teacher and educates other teachers and students. Teaching both movement and meditation. Rikard also holds a master in Social work from Hunter College, New York where he was a NYC licensed Social Worker working as a Mental Health counselor. Currently he will be continuing his studies as a trauma therapist with somatic experiencing in the fall. Feel free to contact me with any questions...

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Om företaget

Welcome. Here i offer Osteopathic treatments, cranio-sacral therapy, massagetherapy as well as individual yoga sessions and meditation with a focus on a holistic perspective for body mind and spirit. In my Osteopathic treatments i approach the body from an understanding of the structure and function of the body, and from the understanding thet the body is always looking for Health and Balance within its own system. Beroende på problematik så letar jag först efter hälsa och funktion för att stötta kropp sinne själ i sin egen självläkande förmåga. Därifrån efter en noggrann undersökning jobbar vi långsiktigt på att skapa förändring. Jag letar efter länk och samband mellan rörelsemönster, hållning och det pågående problemet, oavsett om det yttrar sig i nervsystemet eller en skada i tex en axel. Beroende på var problemet yttrar sig jobbar jag utifrån det system som behöver få extra stöd tex fascia eller muskulo-skeletala systemet eller tex lymfatiska. Mina behandlingar är mjuka inkännande men även starka och djupgående. Behöver du hjälp med att hitta tillbaka till balans, eller har du problem med en stel nacke, ländryggsproblematik eller ett återkommande axelproblem? Vill du hitta kontakt till din kropp eller ditt andetag? Eller balansera upp långvarig stress som satt sig i din kropp och nervsystem? Välkommen!


Detaljer och kontakt
  • 07285347 XXVisa nummer

  • Ljusslingan 34B, 120 64, Stockholm